Eingang Steigerweg, Abschnitt T Bergfriedhof公墓艾滋纪念 自 2006年05月13日
On the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the AIDS-Hilfe Heidelberg e.V., the memorial for those who have died of AIDS was dedicated at the Bergfriedhof Cemetery in Heidelberg on 13 May 2006.
The city’s cemetery office showed great commitment and provided a quiet, shady place on the time-honoured graveyard. Together with the AIDS-Hilfe Heidelberg, it took on the task of looking after this peaceful place.
A stone mason and his wife donated a pillar and a bench to sit on. The old black obelisk is now decorated with a red solidarity ribbon and memorial plaque. Stones bearing the names of the deceased were lovingly fashioned and marked by friends and relatives as well as by those working for the AIDS-Hilfe. These stones have been placed on the ground around the obelisk. Visitors to the memorial can place stones there at any time.
The memorial lives and grows and changes. A place which is often visited – a place of memory – a place of consolation.
We hold hands and cry for...
our friends,
our partners,
our relatives and all those
we have lost to AIDS.
We will never forget you!

AIDS-Hilfe Heidelberg e.V.