印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州 美国 |
Crown Hill Cemetery, 700 West 38th Street, Northeast corner of section 90 | 印地安那艾滋纪念 |
自 2000年10月29日 138 名称 |
The Indiana AIDS Memorial at Crown Hill Cemetery is a permanent memorial dedicated to the thousands of lives lost to the AIDS epidemic. Dedicated on Oct. 29, 2000, the memorial is located on the northeast corner of section 90 of Crown Hill Cemetery. Situated in a beautiful wooded area in the older part of the cemetery, the memorial is surrounded by historic headstones and other artifacts that date back to the late 1800s. A series of limestone tablets, each inscribed with the names of people who have died from AIDS, form a semicircle around the memorial. As of October, 2003, a new tablet has been created for Friends, Family and Those Who Care, to enable individuals, corporations, and supporters to express their commitment to the fight against HIV.
A tablet allows friends, family and those who care to memorialize a friend or loved one.
The Memorial enables people to memorialize and celebrate the lives of their friends, families and loved ones who have died from AIDS. It provides a beautiful and serene setting for reflection and remembrance
The Indiana AIDS Memorial serves as a testimonial to the impact of the AIDS epidemic for future generations and serves as a visual reminder of the need for increased and continued prevention efforts
Funding for the memorial was possible in part by the Joseph F. Miller Foundation.
The Memorial has been enhanced by improving accessibility and adding seating facilities followed by a re-dedication on World AIDS Day 1 December 2017. In 2022, the seating frame around the Red Ribbon has been added.
Photo © Smiley E. Bennett
Indiana AIDS Funds