Brussels Belgium |
House of European History | Dutch AIDS Memorial Quilt - block 30 |
since 3 December 2018 6 names |
On 9 October 2018, Tonny writes:
"De quilt is helemaal klaar. Bijzondere ochtend om na respectievelijk 25 en 27 jaar voor het laatst te zitten in het atelier van Pronklust."
(The quilt is all done. A special morning to sit in Pronklust's studio for the last time after 25 and 27 years, respectively.)
The panels for Hendrik Jan Smid (bottom left) and René Cornelisse (bottom right) have been perfectly added, as have all the others before. Block 30 awaits pick-up by the House of European History.
31 October 2018
Jeannette Cornelisse, Amsterdam
"De quilt is helemaal klaar. Bijzondere ochtend om na respectievelijk 25 en 27 jaar voor het laatst te zitten in het atelier van Pronklust."
(The quilt is all done. A special morning to sit in Pronklust's studio for the last time after 25 and 27 years, respectively.)
The panels for Hendrik Jan Smid (bottom left) and René Cornelisse (bottom right) have been perfectly added, as have all the others before. Block 30 awaits pick-up by the House of European History.
31 October 2018
Jeannette Cornelisse, Amsterdam